It’s only fair to share… [ Fig. 0001] [ Fig. 0002] [ Fig. 0003] [ Fig. 0004] SY 5609 CAS 2519828-12-5 Cancer, solid tumor PHASE 1 A highly selective and potent oral inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (CDK7) for potential treatment of advanced solid tumors that harbor the Rb pa thway alterations (Syros Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) …
Tag «solid tumor»
It’s only fair to share… BQ-788 Molecular FormulaC34H50N5NaO7 Average mass663.780 Da SP ROT +3.8 ° Conc: 1.032 g/100mL; methanol; Wavlenght: 589.3 nm, Development of an efficient strategy for the synthesis of the ETB receptor antagonist BQ-788 and some related analogues Peptides (New York, NY, United States) (2005), 26, (8), 1441-1453., FOR FREE FORM +19.6 °, Conc: 0.998 …